In this 3rd and final installment, we will go over what we should be eating for optimal health of our body.
What Should We Eat?
• Our ancestors rarely consumed cereal grains and had no dairy, sugars, or processed foods.
• Game and wild plant foods contained less fat, more protein, more roughage, and more micronutrients than do foods from our supermarkets.
• Fruits and vegetables were consumed within hours of being gathered, typically with minimal or no processing and often uncooked.
• Foods contained higher average content of vitamins and minerals (in excess of currently recommended dietary allowances).
• 73% of world-wide hunter-gatherer societies derived >50% of their food from animals, only 14% of these societies derived >50% of their food from plants (energy from proteins > that of carbohydrates).
• organic, grass-fed lean meats (avoid grain fed), wild fish (avoid farmed), and eggs (free-range, organic)
• plenty of fresh organic vegetables and fruit, emphasis on vegetables
• Paleo diet is a good guide
This is not meant to promote any one "diet" over another. You must think of food more as a lifestyle change, not a fad diet. Developing good habits will go a long way and make it easier to stay on track with your healthy lifestyle. Please remember, this is only a guide. It doesn't mean you must change everything you are doing overnight, but may it encourage you to make a small change here and there until you are ready for another. Don't complicate things, think simple and old-fashioned when it comes to what you eat.