Let it Snow! 3 Winter Activities & how to Prevent Injury

I am ashamed to say I have not written a blog post for a year! Like everyone else, I am finding myself too busy and not taking the time. But, like anything that is important, we have to make time for it so here I go!

As I look outside, snow is gently and consistently falling in beautiful dancing flakes. It looks bright and festive, and is a relief to many after the torrential rains we have had. But with the snow, comes concerns with keeping you healthy and strong doing new winter activities.

  • Shovelling snow

Any new activity is hard for the body when we are not used to the movement. Shovelling snow is a big one! Loading the body with the weight of snow while bending forward and often rotating to pile it are all of the worst positions to be in! The spine is stressed in flexion and weakest in rotation, so make sure you keep your core strong and contracted, make slow and deliberate movements, and limit tossing snow. Instead, push snow in smaller amounts and pile in front of you without lifting the shovel in the air to throw it. It may take a few minutes longer, but will be much easier on your back.

Also check out something like foundation training to improve core strength at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BOTvaRaDjI or be consistent with your own workout routine whether at the gym or at home to build strength and prevent injury.

  • Walking/Getting Around in Winter Conditions

Be aware as snow falls and gets compacted on driveways and parking lots, it can become very icy! I have many patients every season who injure themselves after a slip and fall. Always wear shoes with good grip, walk on snowier surfaces instead of packed down areas that tend to be icier, and be extra cautious in parking lots especially getting in and out of your vehicle.

Balance is important to prevent injury so consider adding yoga to your routine. Yoga is great for not only balance, but improves flexibility and spinal strength. I like Boho Beautiful Yoga https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x39wJQ1BK-E (short sessions free on YouTube) or support a local studio in town.

  • Skiing/Snowboarding/Winter Sports

With the mountain opening for the season in 1 week, we should have already been working on getting in shape for our winter activities (see my blog https://andrea-mulligan.squarespace.com/config/pages/58f6e742e4fcb54285fe5657 from January 13th 2020). But, it is never too late to start! In addition to the above links, exercise caution with your first few days on the mountain. Don’t overdue it, stop before you are too tired, take multiple breaks. Your body will get stronger as you do more, but be patient and gracious to your body’s abilities. And don’t be crazy…you have a whole season to get there. You don’t want an injury to put an end to your winter.

Email me with any questions or concerns and don’t forget that chiropractic plays a huge role in balance and strength.

Yours in health,
